Bonus material

BridgeCom Plus is the premier membership platform for DMR amateur radio operators. We provide exclusive access to resources, training, and support to enhance your experience and knowledge of the hobby. It includes benefits such as access to exclusive content, live training sessions, expert advice, the BC+ Prize Wall, and a community of like-minded individuals for anyone looking to take their DMR amateur radio skills to the next level.

  • BC+ LIVE!

    BridgeCom Plus (BC+) is the ultimate online DMR learning experience for amateur radio enthusiasts. Our live interactive courses are led by experienced instructors and provide hands-on training in a virtual classroom setting. From basic licensing classes to advanced operating techniques, we offer a wide range of courses to suit all skill levels. With interactive Q&A sessions and access to our online community, you'll have all the support you need to take your DMR amateur radio skills to the next level. Join BC+ today and start your journey to becoming a confident and proficient DMR radio operator.

  • BCU Training Courses

    BridgeCom University (BCU) offers a variety of courses that are designed to help individuals develop skills and knowledge in the field of communication. The courses are taught by experienced instructors who have expertise in their respective fields. From basic licensing classes to advanced operating techniques, we offer a wide range of courses to suit all skill levels. Join now and gain access to our BCU All Access (Free with BridgeCom PLUS) courses today.

  • Exclusive Community

    BridgeCom Plus (BC+) Community is an online platform designed to connect and engage users who are interested in DMR amateur radio communication. The community offers a variety of resources, including discussion forums, live chat, educational resources, and more. Whether you're an experienced radio operator or just getting started, the BridgeCom Plus Community is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experts, and expand your knowledge of the hobby. Join now and become a part of the vibrant amateur radio community.

We offer 3 BC+ Pricing options

These pricing options are designed to offer customers flexibility and the ability to choose a plan that best suits their needs and budget.

Social proof: testimonials

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by Author's name

Share testimonials about you, your course, or your content. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network to get some glowing words about the work you’ve done. Most potential students will look to the opinions of others when making purchase decisions online.

Social proof: reviews

We offer 3 BC+ Membership pricing levels

These 3 pricing options are designed to offer our customers flexibility and the ability to choose a plan that fits their budget and needs.